

U. Hoeppe, “Nachweis inhomogener magnetostatischer Moden in Yttrium-Eisen-Granat-Kugel”,

Diplomarbeit, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Fachbereich Physik, Dez. 1992

Parts in: F. Rödelsperger, “Chaos und Spinwelleninstabilitäten“, Harri Deutsch, Frankfurt, 1994


U. Hoeppe, “A Simple Automatic Measurement Procedure for Ferromagnetic Linewidth DH3dB”, Proc. ICF8, Kyoto, Sept. 2000


U. Hoeppe, “New Inputs on Microwave Ferrite Materials for High Power Microwave Devices”, Proc. MIOP 2001, Stuttgart, 172-175


U. Hoeppe, H. Benner, “Influence of Microstructure on Relaxation Processes and High Power Properties in Polycrystalline YIG”, SCM 2001, Seeheim, Sep. 2001


U. Hoeppe, “Smart Measurement Setup for Spinwave Linewidth DHk”, IEEE Trans. Magn. 38 (5), 2002, 3126-3128


U. Hoeppe, H. Benner, “Influence of Microstructure on Relaxation Processes and High Power Properties in Polycrystalline YIG”, Phys. Stat. Sol. A 195 (2), 2003, 447-452


U. Hoeppe, “Relaxation und Spinwelleninstabilitäten in polykristallinen Ferromagneten“ Dissertation, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Fachbereich Physik, Mai 2003


U. Hoeppe, “Off  Resonance Relaxation of Uniform Precession Mode in Microwave Ferrites”,

Proc. International Conference on Ferrites ICF9, San Francisco, August 2004


U. Hoeppe, “Limited Porosity Induced Spin Wave Linewidth in Microwave Ferrites”, Proc. International Conference on Ferrites ICF9, San Francisco, August 2004


U. Hoeppe, H. Benner, “Microstructure Related Relaxation and Spin Wave Linewidth in Polycrystalline Ferromagnets”, Phys. Rev. B 71, 144403 , April 2005


U. Hoeppe, C. Weil, “Ferrimagnetics for Low Frequency Circulators”, IEEE - IMS 2006, San Francisco, June 2006


U. Hoeppe, “Mikrowellenferrite und ihre Anwendungen” in L. Michalowsky, “Weichmagnetische Ferrite“, Expert Verlag, Renningen 2006


U. Hoeppe, C. Wolff, J. Küchenmeister, J. Niegemann, M. Drescher, H. Benner, and K. Busch,

Direct Observation of Non-Markovian Radiation Dynamics in 3D Bulk Photonic Crystals, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 043603, January 2012


C. Wolff, U. Hoeppe, H. Benner, and K. Busch, "Radiation dynamics of a spin system in a photonic band gap material" ,

AIP Conf. Proc. 1475, pp. 95-97; doi:


U. Hoeppe, C. Wolff, H. Benner, and K. Busch, "Modeling Spontaneous Emission Control in Photonic Crystals by Ferromagnetic Resonance"